Get Your Ignition Interlock System Installed in Kenosha Today
An ignition interlock is designed to prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver has alcohol in their system. Working just like a breathalyzer, it measures the alcohol level in a person's system. If the alcohol level detected in the driver's breath is higher than the pre-programmed level in the interlock device, the vehicle's ignition is temporarily locked from starting. At Matt's Mobile Electronics, we can install your court-ordered ignition interlock device quickly and properly.
In Kenosha and Racine, Matt's Mobile Electronics is your best choice for ignition interlock device installs.
Don't let a DWI, DUI, OWI, or other past mistake hinder your ability to drive or get to work. Ignition interlock systems are safe for your car, relatively inconspicuous to use, and above all, will prove to the court your ability to drive responsibly.